The role of the governing body is to ensure that everything within the school is conducted with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement. The governing body works very closely with Mrs Drayton and her senior leadership team and it focus is primarily in the following three areas,
- Ensuring that the school has clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- Holding the head teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
Governor Values
Ruth Boyd- Foundation Governor
26 Jul 2017 – 25 Jul 2024
I am a foundation governor at the beginning of my third term of officeI am a secondary music teacher, and the musical director of Flixton Community Choir and an organist at St. Michael’s church. I am a lifelong Anglican and I have worshipped at St. Michael’s since 2002. I am committed to maintaining the strong Christian ethos of the school, where every child is encouraged to reach their full potential in a safe and caring environment.
No direct business interest
Mr Samuel Martin – Parent Governor
12 Nov 2020 – 11 Nov 2024
Eight years as community governor for Longford Park primary school: chair of finance committee; vice-chair and then chair of governing body; supported through Ofsted inspections; judgement moved from Good to Outstanding; participated in policy reviews, staff recruitment, staffing structure review
Two years as associate governor for Egerton High School: appointed by Trafford following the school being placed in special measures by Ofsted; worked as chair of Finance committee with the chair of the full governing body to support the interim head change the school culture; helped to review the skills of the governing body and develop a vision for the school; the school came out of Special measures at subsequent inspection
My relevant professional experience in the public and private sectors:
- corporate oversight and governance,
- organisational planning and improvement,
- partnership working across health / social care / other public sector partners,
- supplier management,
- use of technology and software to improve efficiency
What I hope to advocate for, over and above the requirements of any governor:
Improving understanding and communication between governors and parents / carers, for instance through bringing in a further way for parents and carers to make their views and concerns known to governors . Skills mapping and succession planning across the governing body so that the head teacher has ongoing access to a panel of skilled individuals who can both challenge and support . I also want to ensure continued good relations between the school and its neighbours
No direct business interest
Sophia Livert – Staff Governor
01 Sept 2021 – 31 Aug 2024
As staff governor it is my role to provide a class teacher’s perspective on the governing body. I was lucky enough to gain my first teaching post at St Michael’s in 2015, and I cannot imagine working in any other school. I was appointed Humanities lead two years ago. Since then, there have been exciting changes which have led to a more distinctive approach to being a geographer or a historian .
No direct business interest
Pip Williamson – Foundation Governor
27 Jul 2017 – 26 Jul 2024
Pip has a long association with St Michael’s school as her children attended some years ago. Pip also attends St Michael’s church and sings with the choir for the Christmas services.
Pip now works in education as part of a finance team covering a number of schools in the Merseyside area. She is therefore able to support the Head Teacher and Finance committee using her specialist skills and knowledge.
No direct business interest
Paul Middleton – Foundation Governor
15 Nov 2018 – 14 Nov 2022
As a retired teacher Paul enjoys being involved in school life again. My career was spent in primary schools in Trafford and Manchester where I had managerial experience as well as having taught all primary age groups. I have attended St Michael’s Church since 1980 and am an active member the congregation. I have various Church roles including preparing prayers and assisting with Communion. I am also closely linked with the Church Eco Group. I look forward to maintaining and developing School/Church links and I am totally committed to the happiness, wellbeing and learning of all children.
No direct business interest
Aurelian Popescu –Parent Governor
30 Apr 2021 – 29 Apr 2025
I am father to three children at St Michael’s. My background is in educational management, having managed international language schools and post 16 providers in New Zealand and the UK for 15 years.
From 2018 -2021 I have been Head of centre for a Post 16 Manchester provider for vocational training for the creative sector. Recently, I have set up my own business providing translation and interpreting services. I have extensive experience in working with school and college budgets and handling HR responsibilities. I believe my skill set is a good match for the role. I have a personal interest in serving the school community and school where my children attend.
No direct business interest
Sarah Worth- Foundation Governor
12 Sep 2019 – 11 Sep 2023
I am a local resident of Flixton and have lived in the area for over 12 years.
Personally, I have been attending a church environment/community since the age of 7, although committed to God and my faith at 12 years old. Since having my own family, my husband and I are keen to get more involved in the community and in our local church life. We have been active members of St Michael’s Church since April 2017.
Through my career I have professional experience that could support the role of the foundation governor. I have been a qualified Social Worker since February 2006 predominantly working in Children’s Services, this has been both rewarding and challenging through the years. My roles have included being a Child Protection Social Worker on an area team and an emergency team, a Team Manager for an Early Help and Family Support Services, Senior Fostering Social Worker, Team Manager for Child Protection Safeguarding Duty and Assessment Team, Team Manager for Children’s Emergency Duty Team (EDT), and latterly I am employed as a Team Manager for Adoption Counts.
Aspects of these roles have included the direct line management of a number of staff, key responsibilities in case allocation, risk assessment, supervising court work, writing and implementing guidance, policy and procedures, undertaking SLA agreements with other partners and developing/delivering training to staff members.
My roles have been to directly support, assess, promote and safeguard the well-being of adults, children, young people and their families. I became interested in social work when I was a secondary mental health support worker and Student Social Worker. This role gave me great insight into the challenges of society and the detrimental impact this can have on the most vulnerable of groups including children and their families. I am passionate about empowering families to reach their full potential, build resilience and gain stability. It has also shaped my belief in the child, young person or adult having a voice in the assessment process and being involved as far as possible in decision-making and life planning.
I believe that Christian foundation governs role is to support the school primarily and shape the cohesive relationship between the school, church and the wider community.
No direct business interest
Rev Huw Thomas – Priest in Charge
1 Sep 2016 – ex-officio
Rev Huw has been in post since August 2016. He is the link governor for sport. He has a child in St. Michael’s school.
No direct business interest
- Governors will provide a professional contribution to the school using analytical thinking skills, positive challenge and robust procedures
- Governors will contribute to the development of clear and precise policies to ensure the school is a safe, happy learning environment where pupils are appropriately challenged and can develop as individuals
- Governors are determined to provide a quality service to the school, the pupils and the families
- Governors will be available to support the school and offer advice and critical challenge via meetings, telephone or email exchanges, school visits.
- Governors will ensure that each and every pupil receives the care and support they require to achieve their potential academically, socially and emotionally
- Governors will promote the caring, Christian ethos of the school and the promotion of the school family
- Governors are committed to working in partnership with school staff, pupils, families and outside agencies to ensure the well-being and progress of pupils and staff