Our School’s Curriculum
What do the Key Stages mean?
EYFS- Early Years Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception)
Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2)
Key Stage 2 (Years 3 to 6)
At St Michaels, we desire to be a community where we inspire and nurture everyone to grow as resilient, empathetic, and courageous individuals. Together, we empower all to thrive academically, personally, professionally and spiritually, becoming compassionate agents of change who positively impact the world around them.
Each member of our school community is committed to:
- High standards for all.
- Meeting the needs of pupils as unique individuals.
- Teamwork, each stakeholder using their gifts and talents to build up the community as a whole.
- Ongoing staff development and learning.
- Improvement.
We believe in offering as many enriching educational and life experiences for our pupils in order to develop their social, moral, cultural and spiritual development.
‘The seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.’
Luke 8:15
Our Mission Statement sums up this school’s endeavour to treat every family and child as an individual. We use tests to pinpoint the starting points for learning and offer interventions and focused teaching sessions for any child who struggles to meet age related expectations. All children follow a broad and balanced curriculum, and staff are continually looking for new and exciting opportunities to widen their learning experiences, capturing their interests and making each day challenging and engaging.
Enriching Education and Life Experiences for Every Child
At our school, we are dedicated to providing a wide range of enriching educational and life experiences to support the social, moral, cultural, and spiritual development of every pupil.
Our Mission Statement reflects our commitment to treating every child and family as unique. By identifying individual starting points through assessments, we deliver tailored interventions and focused teaching for children who need extra support to meet age-related expectations.
All pupils enjoy a broad and balanced curriculum, enhanced by innovative and engaging opportunities designed to spark curiosity and make learning exciting. Staff work tirelessly to ensure that every day is both challenging and rewarding for our pupils.
Building Core Skills and Leadership
Our priority is teaching the essential skills of English and Maths. Once these foundations are secure, we encourage pupils to apply their skills independently across all areas of school life. Opportunities for leadership, such as chairing meetings, taking on roles of responsibility, and engaging with the wider community, help pupils develop confidence and real-world abilities.
Children learn in various ways—individually, collaboratively in groups, and as a whole class. We foster a cooperative learning environment that promotes positive attitudes, careful presentation, and consistent effort to help every child reach their goals.
Partnership with Parents
We value the role of parents in their child's education and strive to build strong partnerships. A collaborative approach ensures that each child receives the support they need to thrive.
Robust Assessment Programme
To monitor and support progress:
- Statutory SATs are conducted in Key Stage 2.
- Year 1 pupils complete a Phonics Screening Check, and Year 4 pupils undertake a Times Table Screening Check.
- Termly NFER standardised tests assess progress against age-related standards.
Children scoring below the national average (80) are closely supported through discussions with parents and targeted interventions. Those scoring between 80 and 95 may receive short-term interventions to bridge gaps in learning.
Assessment outcomes are shared during parents’ evenings and in detailed end-of-year reports, ensuring transparency and collaboration in your child's educational journey.
Together, we work to nurture every child’s potential, fostering a love of learning that lasts a lifetime.
How We Teach Our Subjects
As a church school, we prioritise the spiritual and cultural development of our pupils through weekly Religious Education (RE) lessons. These lessons dedicate time to exploring the Christian faith and learning about other world religions, fostering understanding and respect for diverse beliefs.
Core subjects, such as Maths and English, are taught every morning. We use Power Maths and Grammarsaurus as the foundation of our teaching in these areas to ensure a strong grasp of fundamental skills.
Geography and History are taught on a rotating basis each half-term, alongside Science. Wherever possible, lessons are connected in a cross-curricular approach, helping children make meaningful links between subjects. The Arts play a vital role in enriching the curriculum, often integrating with Geography and History topics to deepen learning and creativity.
This holistic approach ensures pupils receive a well-rounded and engaging education.
School Trips and Visits
At our school, we believe that learning extends beyond the classroom, and educational trips and visits play a vital role in enriching the curriculum. Every child will have the opportunity to participate in at least two trips or experience visits from external experts each year. These activities are carefully planned to complement classroom learning, providing hands-on experiences that deepen understanding and spark curiosity. We are committed to keeping costs as low as possible to ensure all families can benefit from these valuable opportunities. Our aim is to make each trip or visit a memorable and meaningful part of your child's educational journey.